About Myself

I am Isha Digital marketer in a Dehradun-based company. I live in Dehradun and I am quite interested in the marketing field that's why I choose the digital marketing course from DSOM(Dehradun School of Online Marketing) ,This institute is well known for offering the best Digital Marketing Course in Dehradun. I choose 3 months courses from DSOM . In these  3 months I learn basic to advanced skills in digital marketing.

After completing 3 months I got an internship for 45 days in their franchise company. In these 45 days, I learn how to work on live projects how to do a proper job ,and interact with clients. I developed my skill in the field of digital marketing.

After completion of my internship, I crack the interview and was placed inthe reputed company of Dehradun. Now I am a digital marketer.

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